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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Event MapAddress in detail (1)

Event MapAddress
សំរាប់ MapAddress event ត្រូវបានបង្កើតឡើងដោយ asynchronously នៅក្នុងការ response ទៅកាន់ map:nearestAddress()
ចំណាំះ សំរាប់ event នេះមិនមាននៅលើ Corona Simulator ទេ
នេះជា Properties របស់វា
នេះជា event របស់ city or town
-- Create a native MapView (requires XCode Simulator build or device build)
-- You can create multiple maps, if you like...
myMap = native.newMapView( 20, 20, 300, 220 )
myMap.mapType = "standard" -- other mapType options are "satellite" or "hybrid"

-- The MapView is just another Corona display object, and can be moved or rotated, etc.
myMap.x = display.contentWidth / 2
myMap.y = 120

-- Initialize map to a real location, since default location (0,0) is not very interesting
myMap:setCenter( 37.331692, -122.030456 )

local function mapAddressHandler( event )
    -- handle mapAddress event here
    print( "The specified location is in: " .. .. ", " .. )

myMap:nearestAddress( 38.898748, -77.037684, mapAddressHandler )

ប្រើសំរាប់ផ្តល់នៅពត័មានលំអិតរបស់ city ដូចជា neighborhood
-- Create a native MapView (requires XCode Simulator build or device build)
-- You can create multiple maps, if you like...
local myMap = native.newMapView( 20, 20, 300, 220 )
myMap.mapType = "standard" -- other mapType options are "satellite" or "hybrid"

-- The MapView is just another Corona display object, and can be moved or rotated, etc.
myMap.x = display.contentWidth / 2
myMap.y = 120

-- Initialize map to a real location, since default location (0,0) is not very interesting
myMap:setCenter( 37.331692, -122.030456 )

local function mapAddressHandler( event )
    -- handle mapAddress event here
    print( "The  City Detail is: " .. event.cityDetail )

myMap:nearestAddress( 38.898748, -77.037684, mapAddressHandler )

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