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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Event key in detail (2)

នេះជាឈ្មោះរបស់ Key Names
Letter Keys      Description
"a"    The 'A' key.
"b"    The 'B' key.
"c"    The 'C' key.
"d"    The 'D' key.
"e"    The 'E' key.
"f"     The 'F' key.
"g"    The 'G' key.
"h"    The 'H' key.
"i"     The 'I' key.
"j"     The 'J' key.
"k"    The 'K' key.
"l"     The 'L' key.
"m"   The 'M' key.
"n"    The 'N' key.
"o"    The 'O' key.
"p"    The 'P' key.
"q"    The 'Q' key.
"r"    The 'R' key.
"s"    The 'S' key.
"t"     The 'T' key.
"u"    The 'U' key.
"v"    The 'V' key.
"w"   The 'W' key.
"x"    The 'X' key.
"y"    The 'Y' key.
"z"    The 'Z' key.
Number Keys  Description
"0"    The '0' key belonging to the keyboard's top row of number keys.
"1"    The '1' key belonging to the keyboard's top row of number keys.
"2"    The '2' key belonging to the keyboard's top row of number keys.
"3"    The '3' key belonging to the keyboard's top row of number keys.
"4"    The '4' key belonging to the keyboard's top row of number keys.
"5"    The '5' key belonging to the keyboard's top row of number keys.
"6"    The '6' key belonging to the keyboard's top row of number keys.
"7"    The '7' key belonging to the keyboard's top row of number keys.
"8"    The '8' key belonging to the keyboard's top row of number keys.
"9"    The '9' key belonging to the keyboard's top row of number keys.
Number Pad Keys   Description
"numPad0"       The number pad's '0' key.
"numPad1"       The number pad's '1' key.
"numPad2"       The number pad's '2' key.
"numPad3"       The number pad's '3' key.
"numPad4"       The number pad's '4' key.
"numPad5"       The number pad's '5' key.
"numPad6"       The number pad's '6' key.
"numPad7"       The number pad's '7' key.
"numPad8"       The number pad's '8' key.
"numPad9"       The number pad's '9' key.
"numPad+"       The number pad's plus key.
"numPad-"        The number pad's minus key.
"numPad*"       The number pad's multiplication key.
"numPad/"        The number pad's division key.
"numPad="       The number pad's equals key.
"numPadEnter The number pad's enter or return key.
"numPad."        The number pad's decimal separator key.
"numPad,"        The number pad's thousands separator key.
"numPad("        The number pad's left parentheses key.
"numPad)"        The number pad's right parentheses key.
"numLock"        The number pad's Num Lock key.
Arrow Keys      Description
"up"  The up arrow key on the keyboard or d-pad.
"down"      The down arrow key on the keyboard or d-pad.
"left" The left arrow key on the keyboard or d-pad.
"right"       The right arrow key on the keyboard or d-pad.
Modifier Keys   Description
"leftAlt"     The left Alt modifier key.
"rightAlt"   The right Alt modifier key.
"leftCtrl"    The left Control modifier key.
"rightCtrl" The right Control modifier key.
"leftShift"  The left Shift modifier key.
"rightShift"        The right Shift modifier key.
"leftCommand" The left Command or Windows key.
"rightCommand"       The right Command or Windows key.
Function Keys  Description
"function"  The function or "fn" modifier key. (Not supported on Windows.)
"f1"   The F1 function key.
"f2"   The F2 function key.
"f3"   The F3 function key.
"f4"   The F4 function key.
"f5"   The F5 function key.
"f6"   The F6 function key.
"f7"   The F7 function key.
"f8"   The F8 function key.
"f9"   The F9 function key.
"f10" The F10 function key.
"f11" The F11 function key.
"f12" The F12 function key.
"f13" The F13 function key.
"f14" The F14 function key.
"f15" The F15 function key.
"f16" The F16 function key.
"f17" The F17 function key.
"f18" The F18 function key.
"f19" The F19 function key.
"f20" The F20 function key.
"f21" The F21 function key.
"f22" The F22 function key.
"f23" The F23 function key.
"f24" The F24 function key.
Navigation Keys       Description
"back"      The navigate back key. (Typically provided on all Android devices.)
"forward"  The navigate forward key.
"homePage"     The navigate to home page key. (This is not the Home button on Android.)
Media Keys     Description
"mediaPlay"     The button used to play media such as music or video.
"mediaPlayPause"   The button used to play/pause media such as music or video.
"mediaPause"  The button used to pause media such as music or video.
"mediaStop"     The button used to stop media such as music or video.
"mediaNext"     The button used to select the next music track or chapter in a video.
"mediaPrevious"      The button used to select the previous music track or chapter in a video.
"mediaFastForward"        The button used to fast forward music or video.
"mediaRewind" The button used to go backwards in a song or video.
"mediaRecord" The button used to start audio or video recording.
"mediaEject"    The button used to eject a CD or DVD.
"mediaClose"   The button used to close the CD or DVD tray on a PC.
Volume Keys   Description
"volumeUp"      The volume up button.
"volumeDown"  The volume down button.
"volumeMute"   The button used to mute and unmute audio playback.
"microphoneMute"    The button used to mute and unmute the microphone.
Gamepad/Joystick Buttons      Description
"button1"  Button 1 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button2"  Button 2 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button3"  Button 3 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button4"  Button 4 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button5"  Button 5 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button6"  Button 6 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button7"  Button 7 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button8"  Button 8 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button9"  Button 9 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button10"        Button 10 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button11"        Button 11 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button12"        Button 12 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button13"        Button 13 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button14"        Button 14 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button15"        Button 15 on a gamepad or joystick.
"button16"        Button 16 on a gamepad or joystick.
"buttonA"  Button A on a gamepad or joystick.
"buttonB"  Button B on a gamepad or joystick.
"buttonC"  Button C on a gamepad or joystick.
"buttonX"  Button X on a gamepad or joystick.
"buttonY"  Button Y on a gamepad or joystick.
"buttonZ"  Button Z on a gamepad or joystick.
"buttonSelect"  The select button on a gamepad or joystick.
"buttonStart"    The start button on a gamepad or joystick.
"buttonMode"   The mode button on a gamepad or joystick.
"leftShoulderButton1"       The 1st left shoulder button (aka: L1) on a gamepad.
"leftShoulderButton2"       The 2nd left shoulder button (aka: L2) on a gamepad.
"rightShoulderButton1"     The 1st right shoulder button (aka: R1) on a gamepad.
"rightShoulderButton2"     The 2nd right shoulder button (aka: R2) on a gamepad.
"leftJoystickButton"  The left thumbstick button on a gamepad.
Typically occurs when depressing the thumbstick.
"rightJoystickButton"        The right thumbstick button on a gamepad.
Typically occurs when depressing the thumbstick.
Remote Control Buttons   Description
"3D" The 3D button on a remote control.
"blue"       The blue button on a remote control.
"captions" The captions button on a remote control.
"channelUp"     The channel up button on a remote control.
"channelDown" The channel down button on a remote control.
"dvr" The DVR button on a remote control.
"green"     The green button on a remote control.
"guide"     The guide button on a remote control.
"info" The info button on a remote control.
"red" The red button on a remote control.
"tv"   The TV button on a remote control.
"yellow"    The yellow button on a remote control.
Application Keys      Description
"bookmark"      The web page bookmark key.
"calculator"       The key used to display the Calculator application.
"calendar"        The key used to display the Calendar application.
"call" The key used to make a phone call.
"camera"  The key used to display the Camera application.
"contacts" The key used to display the Contacts (aka: Address Book) application.
"endCall"  The key used to end a phone call on a mobile phone.
"explorer" The key used to display the "Windows Explorer" or file "Finder" application.
"focusCamera" The button used to focus the camera.
"mail"        The key used to display the e-mail application.
"menu"     The button used to display an application's menu. Common on old Android devices.
"music"     The key used to display the music application.
"notification"      The key used to display Android's notifications in the status bar.
"search"   The search button on an Android device.
Other Keys      Description
"`"     The back tick key.
"'"     The apostrophe and double quote key.
"@"  The "at" key on an Android keyboard.
"\"     The backslash '\' and '|' key.
"/"     The forward slash '/' and '?' key.
"["     The left bracket '[' and '{' key on the keyboard.
"]"     The right bracket ']' and '}' key on the keyboard.
"+"    The plus key.
"-"     The minus key.
"*"    The asterisk key on an Android keyboard.
"."     The '.' and '>' key on the keyboard.
"="    The '=' and '+' key on the keyboard.
"#"    The '#' key on an Android keyboard.
";"     The ';' and ':' key on the keyboard.
","     The ',' and '<' key on the keyboard.
"break"     The break key.
"capsLock"       The Caps Lock key.
"clear"      The number pad's Clear key.
"deleteBack"    The "Backspace" key on a Windows keyboard or "Delete" key on an Apple keyboard.
"deleteForward"       The "Delete" key on a Windows keyboard or "Delete Forward" key on an Apple keyboard.
"end"        The end key on a keyboard.
"enter"      The "Enter" or "Return" key on a keyboard.
"escape"  The escape or "esc" key.
"headsetHook" The button on a headset earpiece. Typically used to mute/unmute.
"insert"     The insert key.
"home"     The home key on a keyboard. (This is not the home button on an Android device.)
"pageUp" The page up key.
"pageDown"     The page down key.
"printScreen"    The Print Screen key.
"scrollLock"      The Scroll Lock key.
"space"    The spacebar.
"tab" The tab key.
"zoomIn"   The zoom-in key.
"zoomOut"        The zoom-out key.
Unknown Key   Description
"unknown"        The key name used by Corona if unable to recognize the received key code.
In this case, you can only identify the key by its event.nativeKeyCode value. វាជា String “key”

វាផ្តល់នៅ key’s unique integer ID assigned to it តាមរយះ Operating system។ សំរាប់ key code វាមិនមែនជា cross platform, មានន័យថា numeric value សំរាប់ key ដូចគ្នានឹងមានភាពខុសគ្នានៅលើ Operating system។​ដូចជា A key នឹងមានលេខកូដ 29 on android ប៉ុន្តែលើ Windows នៅលេខ 65
-- Called when a key event has been received.
local function onKeyEvent( event )
    local message = "Key '" .. event.keyName .. "' has key code: " .. tostring(event.nativeKeyCode)
    print( message )
    return false

-- Add the key event listener.
Runtime:addEventListener( "key", onKeyEvent )

event.phase វាជា​ state របស់ keyboard ដែលត្រូវចុច up or down
សូមមើល event.keyName for key names

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