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Monday, May 26, 2014

Event Mouse in detail (1)

Event Mouse
សំរាប់ Mouse Event កើតឡើងនៅពេលដែល mouse cursor moves or when the mouse buttons have been pressed or released។​ សំរាប់ event នេះវានឹងផ្តល់នូវពត័មានអំពី cursor’s current screen coordinates and its button states។ វានឹងបង្កើតនៅ touch events ហើយវាក៏បង្កើតនៅ tap events នៅពេលចុចដូចគ្នា។ សំរាប់ tap’s event.numTaps property ត្រូវបញ្ចូលទៅជា១ នៅពេលដែល single clicking and 2 when double clicking។ សំរាប់ a tap event will not be raised when clicking any other mouse button
Android: មានតែ Android 3.1 or higher devices support a mouse តាមរយះ Bluetooth or USB។ ចំណែក Android 3.1 & 3.2 មាន mouse event តែលើ primary buttonthe event.isSecondaryButtonDown and event.isMiddleButtonDown properties តែងតែ false នៅលើ android operating system versions។ ចុងក្រោយ Android 4.0 and higher devices support the mouse’s secondary & middle buttons

iOS មិនមាន mouse event ទេ
Mac សំរាប់ Corona Simulator របស់ Mac មិនមាន mouse event ដែរ
Windows សំរាប់ Corona Simulator សំរាប់ windows មាន mouse events នៅពេលដែល simulating an Android device
ចំណាះ សំរាប់ Mouse event មិនទទួលនៅពេលដែល cursor is outside of the application window។ ដូចជានៅពេលដែលទាញ cursor on top of Android’s bottom navigation bar

នេះជា Properties របស់វាះ
ប្រើសំរាប់បង្ហាញបើសិនជា​ mouse’s primary button was held down at the time the mouse event បានកើតឡើង។ សំរាប់ Primary button is typically the left mouse button
-- Called when a mouse event has been received.
local function onMouseEvent( event )
    if event.isPrimaryButtonDown then
        -- The mouse's primary/left button is currently pressed down.
        -- The mouse's primary/left button is not being pressed.

-- Add the mouse event listener.
Runtime:addEventListener( "mouse", onMouseEvent )

ប្រើសំរាប់បង្ហាញថា if the mouse’s secondary button was held down at the time the mouse event បានកើតឡើង។ សំរាប់ secondary button ជា mouse ខាងស្តាំ។ សំរាប់ android devices older than v4 do not support the secondary mouse button
-- Called when a mouse event has been received.
local function onMouseEvent( event )
    if event.isSecondaryButtonDown then
        -- The mouse's secondary/right button is currently pressed down.
        -- The mouse's secondary/right button is not being pressed.

-- Add the mouse event listener.
Runtime:addEventListener( "mouse", onMouseEvent )

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