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Saturday, May 24, 2014

Event Location in detail (2)

សំរាប់ instantaneous speed របស់ GPS device នៅក្នុង meters per second វានឹងចែកជាលទ្ធផល 0.447 ក្នុងការដាក់ជា Miler Per Hour
local locationHandler = function( event )
    -- Check for error (user may have turned off Location Services)
    if event.errorCode then
        native.showAlert( "GPS Location Error", event.errorMessage, {"OK"} )
        print( "Location error: " .. tostring( event.errorMessage ) )
        local latitudeText = string.format( '%.4f', event.latitude )
        currentLatitude = latitudeText
        latitude:setText( latitudeText )

        local longitudeText = string.format( '%.4f', event.longitude )
        currentLongitude = longitudeText
        longitude:setText( longitudeText )

        local altitudeText = string.format( '%.3f', event.altitude )
        altitude:setText( altitudeText )

        local accuracyText = string.format( '%.3f', event.accuracy )
        accuracy:setText( accuracyText )

        local speedText = string.format( '%.3f', event.speed )
        speed:setText( speedText )

        local directionText = string.format( '%.3f', event.direction )
        direction:setText( directionText )

        -- Note: event.time is a Unix-style timestamp, expressed in seconds since Jan. 11970
        local timeText = string.format( '%.0f', event.time )
        time:setText( timeText )

-- Activate location listener
Runtime:addEventListener( "location", locationHandler )

វាជា Latitude in degrees របស់ current GPS location
local locationHandler = function( event )
    -- Check for error (user may have turned off Location Services)
    if event.errorCode then
        native.showAlert( "GPS Location Error", event.errorMessage, {"OK"} )
        print( "Location error: " .. tostring( event.errorMessage ) )
        local latitudeText = string.format( '%.4f', event.latitude )
        currentLatitude = latitudeText
        latitude:setText( latitudeText )

        local longitudeText = string.format( '%.4f', event.longitude )
        currentLongitude = longitudeText
        longitude:setText( longitudeText )

        local altitudeText = string.format( '%.3f', event.altitude )
        altitude:setText( altitudeText )

        local accuracyText = string.format( '%.3f', event.accuracy )
        accuracy:setText( accuracyText )

        local speedText = string.format( '%.3f', event.speed )
        speed:setText( speedText )

        local directionText = string.format( '%.3f', event.direction )
        direction:setText( directionText )

        -- Note: event.time is a Unix-style timestamp, expressed in seconds since Jan. 11970
        local timeText = string.format( '%.0f', event.time )
        time:setText( timeText )

-- Activate location listener
Runtime:addEventListener( "location", locationHandler )

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